School Room Booking

engage school room booking module

engage school room booking moduleEngage Room Booking features a suite of tools to find free rooms and assets on a timetable that is dynamically updated with all information including academic classes.

The user can select and secure vacant periods for their use. Fully configurable user permissions dictate who can view and edit the School Room Booking tools.

Key Features

The key features of Room Booking, include:

  • Booking is easily managed online
  • The room timetable updates dynamically to show all occupied and free periods
  • Rooms can be booked against any time, including breaks, after-school and school holiday periods
  • Access to view and book is controlled by configurable permissions
  • Recurring bookings can be created on a weekly or monthly basis
  • Find Free Rooms functionality assists you to find vacant spaces
  • Clashes are highlighted and a notice is sent to the booking creator
  • Ability to specify assets and catering requirements