Engage Fee Billing

Engage Fees

Engage FeesEngage Fee Billing is the foundation component of all school financial data within the Engage management information system.

Engage Fees enables fee-paying schools to manage all student charges, invoicing, statements, collections and debtors. The module offers a full sales ledger capability and split charging, in a fully integrated way.

The Engage Fees module can be seamlessly teamed up with our education focused Engage Accounts suite, which offers all the financial, budget control, and stock control capabilities you would expect.

Engage Fees also links with other major Accounts suites such as Pastel, Sage 50, Sageline 50, 200, 500, Quickbooks, CfBT, Peach Tree, and Tally. At the request of a number of Engage schools, a link is to be established to Pastel Evolution in 2019.

Engage Fee Billing Features

Of the many features and capabilities of Engage Finance, the following is a selection:

  • Fully customisable charges including fees, deposits, discounts, insurances and ad-hoc payments
  • Deposit management
  • Quick receipt feature for multiple cash receipts
  • Links with the Parent Portal, enabling parents to view their account details, all invoices and statements
  • Links to Engage Activities for billing of co-curricular activities and events
  • Debit Orders
  • Invoicing per student or per family
  • Automated sibling discount functionality
  • Invoices and/or statements by email
  • Non-academic billing for rentals or the sale of goods and services

An unexpected benefit

As reported by one South African school, the introduction of Engage Finance and Fee Billing had the unexpected benefit of almost zero calls to the Bursary from parents asking for explanations of their billing, enabling the bursary staff to concentrate on more productive tasks.