Admissions and Marketing

Engage AdmissionsFuture students control the school’s future income.
With Engage Admissions, your school can manage every aspect of your application process.

Admissions and Marketing

Using your school’s agreed admission stages, Engage controls each student’s application from initial enquiry through to acceptance, rejection or withdrawal.
With direct access to this data, your Registrar has the ability to mail merge and email merge direct from Engage, with additional SMS notification, if required. Full records of every communication are stored, by applicant, in the Document Management System.

Admissions Key Features

The key features of Admissions include:

  • Full tracking of applications from initial enquiry to acceptance, rejection or withdrawal
  • Analysis of future class sizes
  • Analysis of enquiry sources and each application stage
  • Recording of all prospective student data
  • Waiting lists prioritised by parameters set by the school (auto-weighting)
  • Ability to run Excel and PDF reports on prospective student data, including appointment lists and interview details
  • Mail and email documents for prospective students and parents

Enhanced Web Admissions

To complement Admissions, the Engage Web Admissions module provides a powerful automated, multi-form addition to your school’s website.